Saturday, December 09, 2006

Flamenco Artwork

During my late teens, twenties, and thirties I studied dance, primarily interpretive and flamenco. I did not go professional but instead performed at studio demonstrations and on a number of stages at benefit concerts.

During those years I created and sold linocuts and I also painted flamenco dancers. This painting represents the dance, Soleares, accompanied by a Spanish flamenco guitarist.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Autumn in the western mountains and lakes region of Maine - 2005

These photos were taken while my sister and I were driving through the countryside, taking in all the glorious colors of autumn. The red maples had turned to a breathtaking hue of bright red, while other native trees turned shades of yellow and orange. Autumn is my favorite time of year, especially in the northeast.

On one of our drives we did a double-take when we saw this fellow bent over with his pants falling down. He was near a large shrub close to the side of the road next to a farmhouse. We turned the car around and got a close-up look. It wasn't a person at all - it was a stuffed mannequin, dressed in a plaid shirt, jeans, boots, and two large orange pumpkins sticking out in back. We had a good laugh and took this photo, which we forwarded to friends.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

This photo was taken on my sister's deck during the autumn of 2005. In the background are towering pines and birch trees, and the mountains are seen in the distance. I love the smell of pines, especially when covered with dew. Various songbirds are seen and heard in the trees, especially chicodees and phoebes. Tiny hummingbirds drink the sweet, red syrupy water which my sister keeps in a hummingbird feeder on the deck.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

More about Thanksgiving dinner...

After the turkey had been carved and served on a large platter, we all dug in! It was delicious, and we thoroughly enjoyed our meal. After dinner, it was my job to “pick” the turkey clean until there was virtually nothing left on the carcass.

Thanksgiving dinner is my favorite holiday meal – especially when cooked by my friend, Susan at her home in Upper Westchester. I find it too difficult to eat “wisely” during the Thanksgiving feast! I try a taste of everything. And then, a little taste more…..and more…..

Thanksgiving 2006 in Upper Westchester

A few of us sat around the kitchen table, snacking on appetizers while the freshly roasted turkey was “resting.” The appetizers consisted of breadsticks with prosciuto, figs stuffed with goat cheese and wrapped in prosciuto, various cheeses, and noodle pudding. The main course included butternut squash soup, turkey with gravy, cornbread stuffing in a mold, roasted yams, roasted brussels sprouts with tomatoes, green beans, baked acorn squash, baked, mashed potato and turnip casserole, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin bread. For dessert, homemade apple and pumpkin pies. ALL HOME-MADE!